
Dear Bookworms, we are delighted that so many of you contribute to #BookWormSat every Saturday. Reading all your literary tweets, what your favourites are, and discovering new novels, poems and plays to read is absolutely wonderful.

Because the hashtag is growing a little bit every week we thought it would be a good idea to let you know what the themes for the next couple of weeks will be. You can find the schedule below and participate on Bluesky & Twitter.


04/05On this date in 1953, Ernest Hemingway won the Pulitzer Prize for The Old Man and The Sea- we will cast our nets for fish and fisherman in literature.
11/05Redemption in literature
18/05For the birthdate of Omar Khayyám, Persian mathematician, astronomer, and poet in 1048 we will look for the planets and moons of literature.
25/05For Africa Day, we will celebrate African literature or literature about Africa.
01/06For the Global day of parents so we will find mothers and fathers in literature.
08/06On this date in 1949, George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four was published so our theme will be
dystopia in literature.

Some Rules

  • Sexism, racism, fascism and so on has no place in our community.
  • Stay on topic.
  • We love to see multiple tweets from the same accounts and we definitely encourage them but please do not flood the hashtag.
  • We love gifs too but we think that the silly ones should remain in the gif database.
  • The hashtag is about literature. The hosts are writers and we understand how important it is to get your work out there but we would like to ask not to use #BookWormSat to promote your own work.
  • And as J.M. Barrie would have said: always try to be a little kinder than is necessary.

Hosts & Hours

The hashtag is hosed by Signe Maene and the brilliant Rachel Deering.

#BookWormSat retweets between 11am and 11pm CET.

Thank you!

A massive thank you to every follower and every bookworm who contributes to the hashtag. We love hosting it and all of your tweets always brighten up our Saturdays!